Who is QwirkyGear?

QwirkyGear is a spiritwear company with the primary mission of providing as many schools as possible, including Justa Average High School, with an ongoing source of fundraising income that they can use to further their own unique education goals.

We accomplish this in 3 ways:

  • First, we provide to any school, regardless of size, their own QwirkyGear Spiritwear Store FREE of charge.
  • Second, we fill each store with high quality garments emblazened with designs and patterns that break from the traditional spiritwear world of boring block letters. We focus on designs that motivate while bringing people together. We also emphasize all types of groups within the school. From team sports, to groups and clubs, to teachers and alumni, everybody is included.
  • Finally, we provide access to customized resources to support the fundraising process. This includes:
    • Custom ad graphics and copy featuring each design to increase sales.
    • Copy and paste code for adding ads to your website or social media to make it easy for administrators.
    • Custom Group challenge capability get the competitive juices flowing between classes or groups
    • Progress charts for motivating the team.
    • Sales reports for guiding administrators
    • Selling tips and tricks for everyone.

About This Spiritstore

Your Justa Average High School Spiritstore is a 24 hours-a-day, 365 days-a-year autopilot fundraising machine developed to positively promote your school. QwirkyGear's cutting-edge technology provides a best-in-class user experience at no cost to the school. Every feature of your Justa Average High School Spiritstore has been developed to maximize your fundraising while minimizing your effort.

Don't Be Left Out!

"Imagine being the first timberwolf at Justa Average High School to wear the newest QwirkyGear design."

That could be you! Simply join our mailing list now and we'll be sure to keep upadated on all our new designs. Plus there might be a few special offers along the way!

Question T-shirt Gray
Question T-shirt Black